Termite Protection for Rural Areas can be an expensive issue for farmers, or those who live in isolated communities. Many farmers will go with out termite protection or inspections/treatment due the expense of getting someone to service their property, and many farmers or isolated homeowner will opt to undertake the treatments themselves with varying success.
While it is always best to seek the services of a trained professional, there are products such as Termicure Termite Baits, which will give the homeowner a high level of control over their property. Installing a Termite Baiting System is one method of termite management which is used in all areas of Australia, for endless styles of property. The basic function of termite baiting systems is to attract termites to loaded bait stations for feeding, which effectively opens a window of opportunity for the application of a termiticide, specifically designed for colony eradication.
Conventional termite baiting systems then require the application of a termite bait matrix once activity has been detected in a station. This process can take anywhere from 3-12 months, in which case a trained professional is required to visit the property on a regular basis. This can be particularly expensive, so upgrading an existing system, or simply installing a Termicure ‘Active ‘ System provides a far better alternative.
The Termicure ‘Active’ Termite Bait packs include the Sentricon ‘Always Active’ Termiticide Rods, which are the attractant materials installed in the stations, impregnated with the termiticide to eradicate the attacking termite colony. The Sentricon Rods are a revolutionary product developed and produced by Dow AgroScience which removes the step of having to apply a termite bait matrix, which reduces the need for a professional to visit your property. Because of the difficulty for homeowners to arrange termite protection for property in rural areas, The Termicure Termite Baiting System provides an all in one answer which will help to keep termites from attacking rural properties. Even structures which are rarely visited can be protected by bulk loading up to 4 Sentricon Always Active Rods into the Termicure Termite Baits to extend the window in which the stations should be checked for activity.

Usually, the Termicure Termite Baits should be inspected for termite activity between 3-6 months. This allows enough time to replace the termiticide rods which are being attacked by termites. By installing additional rods into the Termicure Termite Bait Stations, this window can be increased from 1-2 years, if the guide provided by Sentricon can be extrapolated. Of course this can be dependent on the area, and the prevalent species found in the location, with some species consuming potential food sources faster than others.
So, if you are a farmer in a rural area, or live in an isolated community and you’re looking for a termite baiting system which can be simply installed and managed, the Termicure is the b best solution gofer you. We ship to all areas, and we’re available to help you determine what products will suit your property best.