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Gold Coast Termite Protection

Kill Termites without Poison-How To

You may have come across the term ‘Kill termites without poison’ if you’ve been looking on the internet for information on how to get rid of termites. There are two commonly used methods of treating active termites, one is with a chemical formulation (poison), and the other is with a bait matrix, which is considered...
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When DIY Termite Baits are better than professional Termite Protection. Professional Termite Bait Kits.

DIY Termite Bait Kits can be as good, or better than a Professional Termite Protection, particularly when it costs less than half and uses the exact same processes and products…Our advice to you is:1-Get a quote from your termite professional for the installation of a termite baiting system around your home. Quality Professionals will include...
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Why DIY Termite Baiting fails-What you need to know.

The professional termite management market determines what products are the best, and which ones simply don’t work.At Termicure, we don’t attempt to re invent the wheel by producing new products in an attempt to revolutionise the termite management industry. Multinationals such as DowAgroScience, and Sherwood Chemicals spend Millions of dollars on developing products which provide...
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Termite inspection and protection

Termite Inspections are an absolute necessity if you want to keep your home in good shape. Employing the services of a good, local and independent termite specialist is usually the best option to get a quality inspection. In many cases, the smaller businesses with say, 3-4 technicians are likely to be the better choice as...
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Termite protection and your home.

DIY termite protection is big business. Backyard manufacturers producing an array of products which claim to be the answer to the DIY Termite protection issue, all make their claims based on testimonials from homeowners, and ‘research’ which is simply cannot be verified. Within the termite management industry, there are only a few products which professionals...
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Gold Coast Termite Protection-What are my options?

If you are looking to protect your home on the Gold Coast Termite Protection is one of those things where the more people you speak to, the more options you’ll be presented with. Not only is this confusing, but you’ll be swayed by the best salesman, and their preferred method, which may or may not...
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The Termicure Termite Baiting System has been integrated with specially formulated Sentricon Termiticide Rods, TO ATTRACT AND ERADICATE attacking termite colonies from your property. This same system installed by professional Pest Control companies is now available direct to the homeowner saving you money.