Believe it or not, there are some products available which can be effective for the homeowner to protect their property from termites. In the past, this depends on how skilled and patient an individual homeowner is, and how willing they are to search for the correct information on how things are to be done.
‘Old School’ termite baits are a very basic concept. Install termite bait stations around a structure, fill them with tasty termite ‘treats’ (timber, cardboard etc.) and wait…
Eventually, foraging termites will attack the timber and then during regular station checks, activity may be detected, which is then actioned with a program of mixing and adding a termite bait matrix to the active station, feeding them with another tasty product, secretly packed with toxins to destroy the attacking termite colony.
These kits are commonly available online now, at what seem to be insanely cheap pricing. There’s a DIY Termite Protection kit marketed to the homeowner, and endorsed by one of Australia’s leading termite entomologists which claims that they are so simple, anyone can do it. There’s a green DIY Termite Protection kit which is sold at Bunnings which provides virtually no opportunity for bait application, there’s a ‘Mansion’ DIY termite protection kit, and then there’s a ‘Gold’ DIY termite protection kit which is a new one to the market to flood the wary homeowner with another average quality product doomed to fail the homeowner.
While each of these products can work, they are basically a more complex version of a professional ‘Old School’ diy termite protection kit. One of the biggest problems with these products is not the stations, or the attractant products (timber, cardboard), it’s the cheap bait matrix sold which actually does the eradication.
Often, these DIY companies race off to china and have a bait product manufactured which is simply ineffective. Major professional manufacturers spend millions on R & D of bait products to get them right, and these smaller DIY companies, simply don’t have the budget, but they sell a useless ‘copy’ in order to make a dollar.
This is where the Termicure ‘Active’ Packs come into their own.

The Termicure ‘Active’ Packs are a conventional style termite bait station, combined with the revolutionary Sentricon ‘Always Active’ Termiticide Rods. These termiticide rods replace the typical ‘tasty termite treats’ such as timber and corrugated cardboard. Not only are these rods more palatable (tasty) to termites, but they contain the poison required to kill the entire colony, once termites attack the rod.
Sentricon has produced Professional (not amateur) termite products since the 80’s and is a large Multinational company backed with huge credibility in pest management and agriculture.
The Termiticide Rods have changed the way termite baiting is done in Australia, and it means that once your termite baits are installed, it’s beginning to protect your property immediately.
Commercially, the Sentricon ‘Always Active’ product is only available to registered termite professionals, so homeowner use has been virtually nil until now.

We identified the simplicity in the process of not having to manually feed active termite bait stations in order to kill off a termite colony, which makes sense for the non professional to be successful in protecting their own property.
The termiticide rods included in our DIY termite protection kit reduces the failure of termite baiting by up to about 90%. There is no mixing of messy bait matrix, there’s is a hugely reduced risk of contamination of the bait, the bait is a professional and proven product with extensive research and success, and it’s simple.

Art this point in time, Termicure ‘Active’ Bait packs are the only DIY termite bait kits which have been fully adapted for the homeowner to use which include the Sentricon Rods.
We provide full support via phone and email by experienced and knowledgable termite professionals to ensure you’re doing things right.

So, if you want to successfully bait and kill termites around your home, then do some google research on the Sentricon ‘Always Active’ system.
Don’t believe everything you read on a website where they are trying to sell you a product for the purpose of profit. Check around, and see what professionals say about the Sentricon system, and then come back to us.
DIY termite protection kits can save you thousands if you get the right product, but they’ll be a waste of money if you get the wrong ones too.
For further information, call us on 1300 283764 or email directly to