Home owners want to know what the best alternative to the Termite Barrier is. Depending on the style of construction, a termite barrier, (chemical soil treatment) is the most comprehensive form of termite protection, however this can vary between building types.
The installation of a termite barrier requires an extensive amount of manual labour, not to mention specialised equipment. A pump and tank rig capable of producing good flow and pressure to ensure that chemical injected through pathways and patios is going to provide enough saturation to prevent gaps in the treated soil is important. Simply drilling holes about the perimeter and pouring chemical with a funnel in just won’t work.
Before you make the decision to purchase a termiticide online, and install your own chemical termite barrier, consider the amount of product you are required to use to ensure the best result. The general rule is 5 litres of chemical per lineal metre of trench. Then, it’s 10 litres of chemical per lineal metre of pathways or patio, which equated to 5 litre per hole at the required 200mm spacings. The average home of 75 lineal metres requires around 500-600 litres of emulsion, mixing this amount of product using buckets is simply a mammoth task, and getting consistency in the mix is virtually impossible.
Don’t misunderstand the intention. We know that the installation of a complete termite barrier to a slab on ground property will provide unrivalled termite protection, but if you are considering a DIY project, then you must be prepared to do it properly, and this will be time consuming, even with the right equipment. The alternative is to install a termite baiting system. There are many homes where baiting systems have been installed by a homeowner, and successful termite eradication has taken place. The most successful systems are now pre loaded with Termiticide Rods, which remove the human error factor which plagues the conventional termite baiting process. Termiticide Rods are a termite bait material which is pre loaded with an integrated attractant product which is designed to draw termites to the station for feeding, as well as the toxin used to wipe out an entire termite colony. The all in one system removes the need for adding a specialised termite bait matrix, which is the most problematic part of the baiting process.

With the All in one termiticide rods, there is no disturbance of feeding termites, and there is no introduction of a new food source, which might cause termites to vacate a station. Termites are simply attracted to the very product which will lead to the downfall of the colony.
The Termicure ‘Active’ Packs come with the pre loaded termiticide rods. Designed to simplify termite baiting, and as a viable alternative to the termite barrier, the Termicure ‘Active system makes DIY Termite Barrier an option which was previously not available to the DIY Market. The Sentricon ‘Always Active’ Rods have been designed and marketed for Termite Professionals to secure more revenue from their clients with less work. We simply made combined and existing product with a revolution to make produce a viable alternative to installing a termite barrier at your property.
As always, seek professional advice based on the specific conditions of your home. The advice provided above is from an experienced and certified termite professional, however the conditions surrounding your property may provide a different perspective than the ‘average’, however this alternative is far advanced of anything previously available.